According to a study proposed in 1983, a human brain can have eight different types of intelligences.
1. Visual Spatial Intelligence:
People with this type of intelligence tend to have excellent hand-eye coordination, are artistically inclined and have a strong sense of visualization and mental manipulation. Careers such as art, architecture and design are ideal for people with this type of intelligence.
2. Linguistic Intelligence:
People with high linguistic intelligence have a strong command over written and spoken words and languages. They tend to develop string vocabulary and are excellent writers and orators. Authors, poets, writers and journalists tend to have a dominant Linguistic Intelligence.
3. Logical Mathematical Intelligence:
The type of intelligence dominates strong sense of logical reasoning, empirical analysis and numerology. Mathematicians, scientists, engineers and accountants tend to have this type of intelligence.
4. Musical Intelligence:
This type of intelligence sports strong auditory and rhythmic skills. A person high on musical intelligence has a strong sense of sounds and tunes and can be a very good musician, composer, singer or a sound technician.
5. Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence:
Sporting excellent hand-eye coordination, people with this intelligence are skilled in expressing ideas with physical activities. This is often referred to as muscle memory. This intelligence is usually found in dancers, artists, actors, instrument players etc.
6. Naturalist Intelligence:
People possessing this type of intelligence are sensitive to their natural environment and ecosystem. They have an in-built urge to care ofr nature and living beings such as animals. Botanists, Zoologists and Marine scientists are good examples of people with this type of personality.
7. Interpersonal Intelligence:
These type of people are extroverts and often good orators who enjoy talking, communicating and discussing with people around them. These people have the skills to attract and motivate people listening to them. Politicians and Teachers are high on Interpersonal Intelligence.
8. Intrapersonal Intelligence:
These people are mainly introverts and are introspective in nature. They are aware of their thoughts, feelings and emotions and prefer working alone. These people can be good psychologists, novelists, or religious leaders.
The chemical composition and balance between the two halves of the human brain determine the dominant intelligence in a person. Dermatoglyphics can aid in determining which one of the nine intelligences is dominant in an individual and can help suggesting career prospects, up-bringing, and grooming strategies accordingly.